Sunday, June 22, 2008

fresh fruit sundae

The sky glowered and there were strong winds throwing the gulls off-track as they flew over the allotments today. Still, the rain kept off. I planted 30 slender leeks (not as thick as a pencil yet) and earthed up the potatoes. The potato plants of my surrounding plot holders are tall and in flower. I was late getting mine in the ground so they have a while to catch up but hopefully we will get a late harvest. The raspberry bushes were weighted down with ripe fruit and a couple of the onions were ready to pull. These are the rewards for a bit of effort on the weekend.

1 comment:

Matron said...

Oh yes! my raspberries have just started to ripen in the last few days. Just enjoy yourself! I don't think many of mine will actually make it to the kitchen!