Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Big Chill

The evenings are shortening and the nights are getting colder. The frogs on the plot have taken to hiding under the black weed suppressant to keep warm. There was a warning of ground frost last night so I tucked the spinach and chard up in a layer of fleece. Last year the frost got there first and all the chard was killed off overnight. Things are slowing down on the plot but some plants are still producing well - picked a bag of runner beans, baby marrow, spinach and some remaining pumpkins. Nevertheless, it's clear the beds are starting to empty out for winter...


Anonymous said...

Hi - what a handsome chap! I found a wee baby earlier on this year:

allotmenteer said...

Hey, nice picture. It's a shame that they are so out-numbered by slugs on our plot...